Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #54, 17 August 2022

Vitalik knows better

With NFT, сэр!Share

Hey, OG 🖼

Did you miss us? Vitalik is making another deal with NFT, and people do not like it. European values for digital pictures, art is art, but the tax should be paid. Instagram has expanded its geography, spreading its NFT tentacles to a hundred more countries. Ready for more details? TODALO go!

The jpeg is coursing through your veins!

Market this week

Everything secret becomes a jpeg

Vitalik wants to implement hidden addresses for ERC-721, i.e. for jpegs. This feature allows users to transfer, mint and burn NFTs with relative anonymity. Buterin intends to implement it and not into our long-suffering NFT.

But what's that cracking in the swamp there, Barrymore?

Blasted enthusiasts' asses, sir! The innovations, of course, were not well received by everyone, but when was it different? One doubts about the stolen NFTs, which will also be impossible to trace back to the address. We watch.

Art should be taxed 

Peter Carsten, Counselor of the European Union, has launched into a bazaar about the far-reaching plans of the very same EU regarding not only crypto but also our unfortunate jpegs. Greedy little hands want to tax NFT the same way they tax crypto. They do it to protect investors and preserve some financial stability, which the EU understands like no one else.

Now, if a citizen of the European Union suddenly wants to issue his NFT collection, he will have to get permission from a European authority. How this potential body will control everything is unknown. However, it is known that to determine this planned for three months and will have to provide a technical document about the collection. It will be exciting to see.

Didn't expect it, but here you go

Instagram has announced its expansion to the east, south, and in all directions, as many as a hundred new countries, whose lucky residents will soon be able to enjoy the images in the app. They say this is the last step to serve users in the NFT market who are dreaming about getting rekt.

Be that as it may, any NFT-related process will be accompanied by extraordinary ease. You plug in your wallet and can do whatever Instagram has the imagination to do. People are grumbling a little about the hardware wallet support, though, about which nothing has been said, and as you know, jpegs have been very fond of leaving wherever they can lately. If Vitalik adds what he wanted with the hidden addresses, we can only hope for protection and support from the European Union once they decide on the regulation.

NFT buzz

Rotten Anti Social Club 

The traditional obscure stuff. Rotting piles of garbage that crawled out of somewhere. Suddenly a gem, but if not, it's not my fault.

BPYC-Bored Panda yacht club https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0xb36598689f0ba71e96e163ab15048c5bd89c027c/1013

20 BAYC owners thought, what are pandas worse than monkeys? Why indeed?

Castaways - https://opensea.io/collection/castaways-the-raft

Just a 0.8ETH flor raft. Where else will you see something like that?

looking for alpha

We bring you Alpha info every week on the collection, and you make DYOR. We discuss findings and ideas on our discord. Let's go!  

Sacred Serpentz https://twitter.com/SacredSerpentz

JUUNI https://twitter.com/JUUNI_Official

Iron Paw Gang https://twitter.com/ironpawgang


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