Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #793, 25 July 2023

What does X bring? Let's break it down in simple terms


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Today, in 1998, Windows 98 was launched. Who here is old enough to remember it?... :)

Alright, to the digest. Let's see what interesting things X brings us. We'll go through activities from Tenet Protocol and look at (still for now) crypto Twitter.

News: Vitalik pointed out 4 main risks of Worldcoin, Rodeo relaunched and rolled out the roadmap for Q3, and we're minting a badge from DeBank for the ENS drop.

Let's go!


The bird flew away: breaking down X

Let's analyze what interesting things the "X" app brings:

– The twitter.com domain will change to x.com - the latter currently redirects to the former.

– They will change "Creator Payments". That is, content creators will now be able to earn money for their creations even easier:

- no longer need more than 5 million views per month

- no need for a subscription button

- you'll earn money for profile visits

Here's the list of countries you can create and earn from. 

– The term "follower" will change to "viewer". 

– Shadow bans will now cease to be shadowy. From now on, the user will see why they've been shadow banned and how they can get out of it.

– Musk, seemingly, really wants to attract as many content creators to the platform as possible: from now on, you'll be able to upload videos up to 10 hours long, the team is working on improving streams and
even Smart TV.

– From now on, reporting scammers and violators will be easier. Currently, when you report an account, you wait for ages. Musk wants to simplify the system so that any toxic people and scammers get banned faster.

– New like animation and, of course, new logo and color. From now on, it's black; from now on, it's X instead of the bird.

– Musk says, "if everything goes right, X will have half of the financial system".

That is, yes. Elon intends to create a response to WeChat, which will have EVERYTHING. Hence it's called: "X: The Everything App".


What is crypto Twitter talking about?

Every week, we dive into the depths of the most amusing, informative, useful, and necessary tweets to save you time.

1️⃣ Musk is rebranding Twitter. Now it's "X". Musk dreams of creating a response to the Chinese WeChat, developing an app for everything: finance, communication, news, etc.

2️⃣ The funny thing is that videos will now be called... XVideos. Those who got it got it :)

3️⃣ Binance is listing Worldcoin with a futures leverage of 20x. Snowden once strongly criticized Worldcoin.

4️⃣ Sectors that are growing in 2023. LSD, LSDfi, L2, Telegram bots, and Real-world assets.

5️⃣ List of coins to study from The Defi Investor: $JOE, $JPEG, $LODE, $RODEO, and more.

6️⃣ Trending races: two guys will compete in... well, those who got it, got it.

7️⃣ LayerZero on Linea!

8️⃣ $UNIBOT and crazy x’s

9️⃣ Me on Saturday VS me on Monday. 

Starting and ending with the same topic. A topical image from Beeple


Vitalik against WorldCoin | Minting a badge from DeBank

– If you received the ENS drop, mint your badge here

– Vitalik criticized Worldcoin (briefly: he's concerned about data security, upset about the project's centralization, and the token distribution imbalance)

– Rodeo has relaunched and rolled out a roadmap for Q3




Tenet Protocol: Testnet with cash and L2

Please bear in mind it's not a shill, and we have no responsibilities for the project. It's on your own, ok? 

Tenet Protocol is an EVM-compatible L1 blockchain. It provides liquidity for LSD by using them as collateral for validators. Recently, they partnered with LayerZero and launched a testnet. Their token is already trading at x7 and has a market cap of $15,000,000.

What's up:

– Discover Score:433 (!!)

– Smarts: 80(!!)

What to do:

- Follow the link and add the network

- Shake the faucet here

- Switch to the Faucet tab

- Claim an additional 50 TENET

- Bridge tokens between networks

- Fill out the form

- Leave a review in Discord




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