Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #140, 30 January 2021

A Hero has Fallen. Goodbye!


Hey #Moni Maker 👍

Today, in 2007, the Windows Vista operating system went on sale. Remember it? Ma-a-any of us do. I mean, you always have to be on your guard, because sometimes even successful and established companies release crap. And in the world of crypto, it's the wild west. In general, keep your eyes wide open, we, if anything, will help you figure things out.

Let’s go!

Robinhood is OVER?

Down with the impostors...

Robinhood banned its users from investing in hype stocks like GameStop and AMC because of unacceptable volatility.

In response, "couch investors" accused the company of betrayal. Then they habitually coordinated on forums and dropped the Robinhood app rating to 1 on Google Play and the App Store.

*There are rumors that the negative reviews are actively being cleaned up*

Details of a class action lawsuit filed against Robinhood have recently emerged.

The plaintiffs believe:

1) The company had no legitimate reason to prohibit private investors from buying GameStop stock.

2) The lack of resources to continue betting is Robinhood's fault.

According to the plaintiffs, the restrictions were imposed for the benefit of large institutional investors in order to manipulate the stock market.

Not only Robinhood's successful IPO, which the company plans for 2021, but also the overall viability of the service itself is in doubt after such news...

So what?

Life is an ironic bitch. Tomorrow you'll be crucified by your current fans, this could be about a single wrong move!

It smells like monopoly...ugh, disgusting. Robingood, go back to fairy tales. You were more fun there, you shot a bow...

* we're joking *

What does Ray Dalio think about bitcoin?

What does bitcoin think about Ray?

Ray Dalio is one of the most successful investors in the world. Hehas spoken out about bitcoin.

Note that his Bridgewater manages $160 billion.

"I believe Bitcoin is one hell of an invention. To have invented a new type of money via a system that is programmed into a computer and that has worked for around 10 years and is rapidly gaining popularity as both a type of money and a storehold of wealth is an amazing accomplishment."

Dalio also noted that BTC can be a good asset to diversify an investment portfolio.

"Believe me when I tell you that I and my colleagues at Bridgewater are intently focusing on alternative storehold of wealth assets."

P.S. Ray Dalio is also an author of books + he has a YouTube channel with useful material, such as how the economic machine works.

So what?

Such big boys don't say something like that for no reason, every word you say is worth bitcoins when you are a manager of such a company.

Nothing but good things await bitcoin in the future. Just know it!

DOGE is the king!


As soon as Robinhood restricted the purchase of stocks like GameStop and AMC, investors ran to Dogecoin.

And it pumped for 1,000%!

As a result, at the peak DOGE's capitalization exceeded $10 billion, making it the 7th largest cryptocurrency on the market for a while.

At the same time, DOGE became the fourth most traded asset on the market with a trading volume of $29 billion.

Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk congratulated the coin on its new record by posting a DOGE meme on Twitter. Dogecoin is Elon Musk's favorite crypto.

So what?

Well...at the time of writing, DOGE’s price halved.

Let's wish Dogecoin health and good luck!

By the way, Elon Musk is not only a DOGE fan, but also a Bitcoin fan.

"Hot stuff" on the main CoinMarketCap page

HOT 18+

It's not a coin, it's a wallstreetbets story


So what?

They kicked you out of the funds? Damn monopolists kicked you out? Come join us, buddy, we're reasonable!

Is Blockfolio new Robinhood?

They didn't hear about Moni...

And while everyone banned trading in hype stocks, there was one person who tried to be in the thick of things - Sam Bankman-Fried.

First, FTX started listing the stocks that other services banned, and now he's finally announced a full-fledged competitor to Robinhood for trading stocks and cryptocurrencies without commissions in the Blockfolio app.

Let us remind you, that in August, crypto exchange FTX bought Blockfolio for $150 million, so it was a very good outplaying move from Sam.

Here's a link to sign up for FTX by the way!

THIS IS THE WAY to apply for the Hackathon

Application? Here you go!

The clever guys hacked the Hackathon site, which was organized by the Hacker Community. They left a message describing their project.

Let's see if they get the grand prize or get arrested. Let's go!

Meme of the day 😄

We feel it!

And one more thing...Buy Bitcoin! 😉


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