Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #406, 11 February 2022

OnlyFans? OnlyGas!


Hey Moni Maker 🍓

Today, in 1978, China lifted the ban on reading Aristotle, Shakespeare and Dickens. Centralised systems always know how you should live your life, what you should read and who you should hate. True, the stronger Uncle Progress becomes - the weaker the information autocracies will become. 

Digest thinks so. Let's go!

18+ GWEI

OnlyFans also an NFT avatar with a bare ass

OnlyFans is a platform that allows authors to share private/erotic content with subscribers for a fee. Well, let's pretend you just found that out now :) Btw... 

The company has announced that its users can now use NFT on Ethereum in their profile images. All who do so will receive an Ethereum symbol to show that they own the asset.

Now you can use OnlyFans to share private alpha info about projects there...? 


El Salvador wants a BTC BOND without a cigarette

El Salvador's first bitcoin placeholder, aka El Salvador, represented by the Minister of Finance, announced that the country plans to issue bitcoin bonds between 15 and 20 March.

There will be $1 billion in bonds, and they are expected to be worth at least $500 million more.

The International Monetary Fund, from which El Salvador wants to borrow $1.3 billion, parried that some of its directors "have expressed concern about the risks associated with issuing bonds backed by bitcoins".

Wen El Salvador on CoinList? 


Free Metaverse! 

McDonald's has been snidely offering crypto ppl to tell about their business during the bear market, as it suddenly turns out that they don't mind snatching cherry-crusted crypto.

One vigilant comrade didn't escape notice that a trademark application had been filed, not for a new burger, but a "virtual restaurant with real and virtual goods and home delivery".

But that's not all; the McCafe brand has been included in the Metaverse trademark application. The brand will provide real and virtual concerts and online events.

They say such applications take around 9.5 months to process, so we're expecting Metaverse on a sesame seed bun by the new year.


Is this...a market reversal?! 

Press: Has BSC become boring? Fantom is a scary gun? Where to throw your stables? Digest threw in! 

Let's read it!



Ask Me Anything (AMA) is the format of interviews with CEO or other project representatives. Most often takes place on Telegram. AMA is organized by bloggers or the media, pre-collecting questions from subscribers. Sometimes users can get a drop for cool questions. Example: Moni Talks is doing AMA with CEO Binance CZ. Prizes for cool questions - 1 bitcoin.

And more you can find in our Glossary!



And you...buy Bitcoin! (it's a good time!)  


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