Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #609, 12 October 2022

Mango makes us healthy, but some wealthy


Hey Moni Maker 🔫

Today El Salvador, Colombia, Guatemala, and Honduras celebrate! Well, the Columbus' arrival day. Of course, that's all very interesting and intriguing, but we're wondering how the descendants will celebrate the day El Salvador adopted bitcoin. What way? 

Well, spitting into eternity is something we can do. Today we are creating something for which our children will thank us. Let's go! 


Mango Markets lost $116M?

We've had news the last few days that maybe it's better not to open it? 

Temple DAO, Rabby, and now look at this! Mango Markets lost $116m. The chronology is well documented in this thread, but in short, the guy manipulated the price. 

But that's not all! Then the guy came to the DAO of the project and made a proposal. The project has 70 million in reserves. So, as he told, let's you cover the hopeless debts of users, and I leave half of the stolen money to myself, well, $50m, the other part I will send to your wallets back. And yes, what about a criminal prosecution...forget about it, for goodness sake


Ruffle! Get the allowlist now. AnotherBlock x Moni Talks

The bears are roaring, but we are strong cause the 2nd day in a row, we give you opportunities to grab allowlists :)

Now let's go step by step: 

– AnotherBlock is a music NFT project. It released drops with Weekend 

– This allowlists we ruffle will allow you to participate in the following drop

– The drop will be held on October 20. And! This drop will be Alan Walker's song. Just listen to "Faded", and you get who it is 

 What this NFT is about 

– 0,001% of royalties. 

– Enter the AnotherBlock community + early access to other drops

What should you do: 

– Follow Twitter 

– Follow Discord 

RT & Like

– Register via social media or Metamask or other wallets 



DAO - Is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization. That is, it is a group of people passionate about a common goal but do not have a single decision-making centre. In short, democracy! The DAO takes all steps in the development of the project through proposals. The DAO members vote for or against a proposal using project tokens.

And more you can find in our Glossary!


Some more news?! 

– G20 summit to consider cryptocurrency regulation this week

– Portugal will impose 28% tax on cryptocurrency profits

– DeFi hacker of Transit Swap platform agrees to pay back $2 million

– A fake security update for Solana Wallet is an attempt by hackers to get hold of your crypto

– Google will accept cloud payments through Coinbase


meme of the DAY      

    ⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And do not forget to download the Moni App :)      


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