Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #824, 07 September 2023

Some hopium, sir?


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Today, in some countries, it's Beer Lover's Day. Crypto is like alcohol itself - you're euphoric, surrounded by good people!... But then, bam! Hangover, surrounded by nothing but toxicity, and life feels gray and melancholic. The important thing to remember is that any hangover eventually passes, okay? :)

Project News:

- Visa will collaborate with Solana to allow counterparts to pay in USDC on Solana. In general, there was a lot of strange and good stuff about Solana yesterday. People were talking about the minimum number of users in the last 2 years, then showering positivity. It looks like some dirty media games, with The Block initially releasing news about Visa, then deleting it and posting about the 2-year minimum, and then re-releasing the Visa news

- If you received a $NEXT drop, you can mint a badge on DeBank

- Polyhedra Pandas will end on September 25th. So don't forget to complete them, even if you won't make much money from it. But if someone bothered to start, it's better to finish, right?

Interesting Stuff:

- Google will allow advertising for crypto NFT games. Granted, not all of them, there are some nuances, but by the way, it looks like a setup for the next bull run. In 2021, NFTs brought normies and degens under their wing. In 2024-2025, gamefi projects might very well do the same. In other words, games!

- Ark has applied for an ETH ETF. There's a feeling that all these ETFs, if not immediately, will eventually be approved - and will launch the bull run in 2024. Stay tuned

- Bieber will release a musical NFT and will distribute 1% of royalties to those who buy it. Musical NFTs could also become a growth driver because they are straightforward for both degens and normies. Don't forget to increase activity on sound.xyz and subscribe to Gryazin's account, as new tracks are coming soon: click


true story?! 


Ppl leaving Binance be like:   


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Another Stuff