Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #37, 28 September 2020

Hackers are Back

With IncryptedShare

Hey #Moni Maker 👏

Phew, what a week! Feels like we’ve just came out of the trenches! Russia’s put up a crytpo fight and even Binance got into the picture... Let's see how this madness will unwinds, but, as Parker Lewis said, “Human capital, physical capital and monetary capital will flow to the countries and jurisdictions with the least restrictive regulations on Bitcoin.” There’s a ton of positive news as well, so make sure to check out our weekly digest!

Conquer the new land

Pirates of the 21st century 🏴☠️

KuCoin stock exchange confirmed unauthorized withdrawal of BTC and ERC-20 tokens from hot wallets worth $150 million.

So what?

Yes, shit happens. But don't turn your back on crypto because of such moments: hackers can get the data and accounts from almost any centralized honeypot in the world. Don’t worry - Bitcoin QnA will happily share the solution;)

So, cryptocurrency will get strong under the hooks of scammers and hackers. Well, KuCoin also promised to return the money to the victims, so everything is ok.

Already on GitHub

Uniswap v3!

The developers have rolled out a new version of Uniswap on GitHub. Changes relate to token listing, language support and mobile version improvements.

But the most interesting thing is that Uniswap plans to move from HTTP to IPFS. This will allow the platform to become even more decentralized.

So what?

This is a top-notch improvement as Uniswap has sometimes experienced access problems. IPFS, on the other hand, allows users to open a site even through special blockchain services.

P.S.: The UNI price hasn’t yet responded to this news. Let’s wait some 🤞 :)

Why so edgy?

RK versus Binance

Roskomnadzor is the Russian federal authority responsible for the supervision of communications, information technology, and mass media in the country.

The Roskomnadzor explained that the Binance website is subject to blocking "because of the spread of information about the possibility of acquiring bitcoin."

Binance representatives have already replied:

"On September 24, 2020, we received a notice from Roskomnadzor on the inclusion of binance.com in the register of domain names containing information prohibited for distribution in Russia. It follows from the letter that prohibited information is a possibility of purchasing BTC.

Previously, we hadn't received any notifications from law enforcement or civil government agencies or judicial authorities about any claims or court decisions. We have now sought advice from legal professionals. We continue to provide full service to users from Russia, all funds are safe".

UPD. For now Binance is online in Russia and wasn't added to the list of banned websites.

So what?

Let's answer with our good friend's quote Crypto, sir: "I'm asking everyone to keep calm. Let some individuals live in caves. Mister Progress has lasers and neurochips, while cavemen only have cudgels and scoops*."

* – it's a pun. Some people call USSR a scoop because of consonance in Russian

Hello Europe!

Crypto regulation

Can you smell this?... This is what mass adoption smells like:)

The European Commission in cooperation with the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) organization plans to launch a pan-European regulatory "sandbox" in the field of blockchain by 2022.

The document came out massive, as big as 168 pages. The authors advocate a "sound legal framework" that would define the regulation of cryptographic currencies.

“This proposal, which covers crypto-assets falling outside existing EU financial services legislation, as well as e-money tokens, has four general and related objectives. The first objective is one of legal certainty. For crypto-asset markets to develop within the EU, there is a need for a sound legal framework, clearly defining the regulatory treatment of all crypto-assets that are not covered by existing financial services legislation. The second objective is to support innovation.” – the quote from the doc.

So what?

The only surprise here is that it took Europe so long to roll out some legislative docs. Even Iran is already looking at Bitcoin with eyes filled with love.

Don't worry about your country if crypto is banned in your jurisdiction. Sooner or later this wave will spread out all over the world, we just need to wait a little.

Meme of the day


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