Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #98, 09 December 2020

Good job, Edward Snowden


Hey #Moni Maker πŸ™ƒ

Today, in 1968, the world's first computer mouse was introduced. Half a century later, it is hard to imagine life without this invention, and the ability to notice and recognize technology that will be used so massively around the world can now promise incredible profits. We are living in an era when innovations appear daily, and it is becoming more and more difficult to distinguish between potential gems and useless projects. Luckily there's Moni Talks, which carefully selects only the most significant events and shares them with you in a concise and informative format. So let's go!

Snowden was right about Bitcoin

I told you! (с)

Edward Snowden, a former employee of the National Security Agency and the CIA, remembered his tweet from March 13, 2020, when Bitcoin collapsed to $5,000.

At that time, Snowden said it was time to buy bitcoin because there was too much panic and very few reasons behind the fall. And he was right - after the March collapse, Bitcoin almost quadruples in price, and at the beginning of December, reached an ATH at most exchanges.

Recently, Snowden wrote about Bitcoin twice, noting the fall of the dollar against Bitcoin.

So what?

This Mister, of course, deserves respect: he should have iron hashrates to fight the CIA.

And also to encourage people to buy BTC when everyone is in panic, and everyone is running to sell it...

Does it turn out that you do not have to be an analyst to predict Bitcoin's growth?! No, it's crazy... :)

DYOR and learn to analyze. If not in trading, you will definitely need it in real life.

There are more and more users in crypto

Growing up like other people's children

Web traffic of crypto exchanges increased significantly in November, the first place in attendance at Binance, the second U.S. exchange Coinbase.

According to data, in November, Binance had 44.74 million visits, an increase of 42.2% compared with 31.46 in October.

Coinbase attracted about 37.48 million visits in November, 64 percent more than in October, according to SimilarWeb.

So what?

So, the crypto train has already left, but if you try very hard, you can catch up in the car.

Come on, jump in!

Swiss Stock Exchange SIX will provide banks with access to cryptocurrencies


The Swiss Stock Exchange (SIX) and the custodian firm Custodigit plan to launch an Institutional Digital Asset Gateway (Gatewau) in the first quarter of 2021, which will allow banks to trade, settle, store cryptocurrencies, and much more, i.e., to carry out a "full investment chain" in the digital asset market.

So what?

New day = new bank dives into crypto. Comrades, it looks very... intimidating.

Looks like the fiat will soon really be used only for wiping ... tears from looking at cryptocurrency rates.

EasyFi announced Chainlink integration


EasyFi has integrated Chainlink's real-time price streams into the core network to provide secure and reliable price data to the stackable credit markets for USDT, USDC, and DAI, as well as the upcoming volatile asset markets starting with MATIC and ETH.

This allows the platform to correctly assess different forms of collateral, which is the basis for granting loans at fair market value and maintaining a safe and transparent mechanism for liquidation.

Get $10 from Coinmarketcap for a short survey on the Sandbox project!


CoinMarketCap Earn platform regularly provides an opportunity to receive cryptocurrency rewards for watching videos and participating in quizzes.

This time the first 40 thousand users of the platform have the opportunity to study the Sandbox project and get a reward of 250 SAND tokens (β‰ˆ $ 11.3) for correct answers.

To do this, you will need accounts at Binance (registration) and Coinmarketcap.

Meme of the day

And one more thing...Buy Bitcoin! πŸ˜‰


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Another Stuff