Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #78, 17 June 2021

Degen Stuff: Important Meeting. Edition #78

With SpacemindShare

Hey #Moni Maker 🐸

Today, Gem City Mayor met with Bank City Mayor at Gemeva Meeting. They were speaking about mass adoption, gems, banks, fiat, and so on. As always, nothing came of this meeting. Anyway, we hope that one day Bank City will release that banning gems is not a good idea!

Follow our Telegram and Twitter, they will release a full report about this meeting soon. Or they won't. They just don't want to waste your time. Because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

🎊 Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ Human Option 1 Start: June 17, 17:00 UTC

Option 2 Start: June 17, 23:00 UTC


📧 Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ Lithium Finance IDO WL.

2️⃣ CrossWallet IDO WL on TronPAD;

3️⃣ KSM starter Private sale whitelist is now open!

4️⃣ Efinity PublicSale WL on CoinList - up to 18.06


6️⃣ MoonEdge Whitelist + Airdrop is Now Open.

7️⃣ PolyPAD Whitelist.

8️⃣ RealFevr Polkastarter IDO WL - up to 20.06.

MATIC Helper

911 in crypto!

Okay, our little crypto lover #Moni Maker nyam. Let's start this Digest with Matic Faucet!

A Faucet is a tool that provides a small amount of funds to start using a cryptocurrency without having to buy some. It's often a shity website with plenty of adds that will send you funds half the time, only after asking you to input your email to send you spam later. (c)

Grab the link. And we're going next!

Let's speak, Delta?

Just a little plz

Join DeltaTheta AMA sessions today! We know, you have questions for these Delta Heads. It’s time to ask them. Don't be so shy.

O O O ! Airdrop

Yes, it's O3

Highlights: Within 72 hours, eligible users can log in to o3swap.com to check the available rewards. Each person can have up to 5–20 O3 tokens, with a total supply of 1,000,000, accounting for 20% of the total airdrop supply.

The remaining 3.5 million O3 tokens will be distributed when they go online on Neo N3, HECO, Matic, Solana, and other networks. This is the only chance to claim airdrops on the BSC network. Before 16:00 UTC on June 14th, users who have conducted aggregate transactions, cross-chain transactions, and added liquidity on the o3swap.com BSC network can go to the O3 Swap official website to claim the tokens.

Info! and Website!

Move on.

Garri, what are you doing?

Details and Memes matter!

Lord Moni CEO Garri will tell you:

– Why 404 Page is so important

– Why memes and details matter

If you wanna know somethin that will change your life (maybe), read it now!

KuCoin is $HAPI!

wen hapi $1000

$HAPI team told that their coin will meet listing on Top 10 Exchanges.

Wen $HAPI $1000?... DYOR!

P.S. Some #Moni Makers do not really know what DYOR is. So, right now, dive into our Glossary! Even if you know what DYOR is.

Solana Loves Updates!

Feel FOMO?

Solana is like the list of your gfs. It's always updating!

Some more listings

No Good Headline




Buy The Deep? Meet The Deep!

oh shit here we go again

TITAN is....over.

"TITAN was overpriced a lot, and skyrocketed to 60-65 USD. Then when it retraced to 60, whales dumped causing a bit of panic. A 200k transaction was made and a lot of people instantly sold." (c) Crypto Twtitter Streets.


Get your tractors ready!

Meet σ volmex.finance!

Liquidity Providers

Liquidity providers can mint Ethereum Volatility Index and Bitcoin Volatility Index volatility tokens with Dai here.

Once minted, volatility tokens can be provisioned to Uniswap (or another exchange) pools. Some Uniswap v3 pools are available here.

More? Here!

That's all for now! See you tomorrow, don't let FOMO kill yourself :)


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff