Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #54, 20 May 2021

Degen Stuff: Earthquake. Edition #54

With SpacemindShare

Hey #Moni Maker 🐸

Yesterday Gem City met the biggest earthquake for the last few years. Some people died, a lot of houses and shops were destroyed. Gem City Building was damaged too. Gem City Mayor announced a Day Of Silence. Be careful today, citizens.

Our Telegram and Twitter grieve with everyone. But we know, that good times are waiting for us, because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

🎊 Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ DAOSquare will start the 2nd round of ITO on 20 May at 15:00 (UTC);

2️⃣ Evanesco ITO round 1 on MASK.

📧 Whitelists to follow!

Black & Yellow. White & Bright

1️⃣ Vega Whitelist;

2️⃣ dotmoovs Whitelise. Close: 11 UTC, May, 20;

3️⃣ Solpad Whitelist will end 11PM UTC May 25.

Cyberpunk AirDrop

Hm...is he right?

Let's start this digest with some minds about future.

Interesting point of view! Are you agree? Or not? Or what?

SHIELD is postponed!


As you see, SHIELD Agents postponed their listing due high gas. Yesterday the market was mad. That's ok, let's wait.

Solanium wanna talk with you!

And U?

Tomorrow MCX will conduct AMA with Solanium. Also, you can win $SLIM tokens! All info in the tweet above, can you see it?



If you are lucky, check your email! Drops have listed you in their Whitelist Winner List.

IDO will be tomorrow, we wait for the time. You can follow our Twitter to get it, you wait, we know!

Does Buterin like Apple?

But Apple likes him!

No official announcements, rumors are rumors. But it would be really interesting. Flippening? Elon Musk is connected with Buterin? WHAT IS GOING ON DFGOPDSKGD?!


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff