Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #441, 28 November 2022

Gem City conduct a Gem Marathon

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 📢

Today, Gem City DAO decided to conduct a Gem Marathon due most citizens need a mental help. Yes, citizens feel depressed, hate a bear market and miss a bull run. That’s why the DAO invented a spot in citizens’ life. As we know, it’s the best cure for depression. And gems are, ofc.

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in! 



– Pass the Moni Talks Guild tasks to get Spin airdrop   



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1inch ate a sandwich, yum yum yum yum!!!

How does 1inch feel about fast food? Apparently not so positive...because the new RabbitHole feature will allow aggregator users to avoid sandwich attacks. Yep, yep, your ass is being saved from the retks again! 

The explanation: 

- A user wants to buy 1,000 X tokens for 20 Y tokens with an allowable slippage of 1%

- The sandwich bot detects the transaction and places a trade to buy Y before and a trade to sell Y
after the first transaction. 

- Transaction 1: The bot executes a buy transaction and pumps Y price 

- Transaction 2: The user buys Y at a higher price

- Transaction 3: Bot sells Y, getting the price difference.

1inch RabitHole solves sandwich attacks by sending swap transactions directly to validators, aggregating Flashbots, BloXroute, Eden and Manifold. 

For users of MetaMask, for example, this is manna from heaven. MetaMask, unlike 1inch Wallet, cannot create a transaction and not broadcast it immediately, thereby exposing the user to attack. 1inch fixes it. 

By the way, the damage from such moves in 2022 alone was about $800,000,000, so it's a beneficial update.

Check out the guys on the channel for details - click


Unioverse: Gaming constructor for degens

Unioverse is the first franchise from Random Games, a venture capital gaming studio whose co-founders have been involved in projects like GTA, South Park, Star Wars, etc.  There's a game universe with big development plans, NFT and... let's go point by point.

What's Up:

- Experienced developers

- The ability to create in-game content and even your own game. royalty-free!

- SDK and access to models, environments, etc.

- To play, you will need to buy an NFT hero 

Your steps:

- De active on Discord

- Leave your email here

- Probably buy at 0,5 MATIC 


📋 Links

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🛥 Opensea

Moni Twitter Bot discovered this project. Subscribe and get your 100x gem - @moni_twitter_bot


White Man (Arthur Hayes about GBTC)

Missed Hayes? The dude rolled out a new essay! It's about racial prejudice again and the Grayscale fund, which supposedly might collapse soon. 

Check it out here! 

Lazy TL;DR for the Lazy: 

- Hayes uses the example of "Pepe's Village" to show how racial prejudice affects the choice of the village's money manager. Yes, a white male is always chosen.

- In doing so, Arthur smoothly goes to Grayscale Bitcoin Trust and its manager Barry Silberg, whom Hayes himself calls "Mr Shillberg" because of his constant self-promotion

- GBTC entered the market when there was no competition. That's why Barry was charging 2% for management, which is a lot

- Because of the schemes to lend to each other among Genesis, Gemini and GBTC - all could get in trouble 

- Arthur stays away from GBTC



– kia.eth addressing WBTC fud

– Migrate WBTC big DAO multisig to a new one with safer active signers

– Tranchess is live on Ethereum

– Carbon Asymmetric Liquidity, part 2

– Emergency proposal: Abracadabra request for help



SEE YOU LATER!            

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