Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #416, 24 October 2022

Gem City explores Dogechain

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 🤠

Today Gem City DAO opened the blockchain museum. All blockchains you will be able to find there were launched a long time before Great Mass Adoption. Berachain and Dogechain are also presented at this exhibition. 

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in! 



– Check Across airdrop 



- Arbitrum airdrop             
– Consensys sign up to follow next NFT drops
– DayLight form
– Catalog form 
ZkSync airdrop


Should we DYOR on Dogechain? Forget about Aptos and SUI

Yup, we continue our DYOR journey through the Aptos jungles and SUI ocean. You can check this post and this one. But as for now, let’s speak about Dogechain, ok? 

So! Dogechain. It’s an l2 EVM blockchain on Polygon. Enthusiasts build it from the Dogechain community…hm…to educate the Dogecoin community. 

That is, Elon Musk thinks Dogecoin is the best way to join the crypto space for normies, so Dogechain makes these normies learn about DeFi, NFT and GameFi. Got it? 

We cover it cause the native DC token made +228% this week. Volumes are increasing, and the community wanna burn 50-80% of tokens soon. Burning may be a reason for the pump…

You can learn more by DYORing Twitter, Website, and Discord


No Sleep wen SUI is here

Gem City! let's pass these SUI quests? We can do it now cause of low network abusing. 

Number 1. Download Sui Wallet

– Go here Bluemove

– Press Faucet

– Go to the wallet

– Apps - Mint NFTs

Номер 2. Download Suiet 

– Go to Bluemove

– Press Faucet 

– Go back to the wallet, click NFTs and mint nft there 

p.s. it's a devnet! but it's worth downloading wallets and start using them now 


Chasing SUI airdrop

Rn you should pass the SUI Global quest to get a chance to grab SUI airdrop. 

No more talks, do it now - click


Movers x Moni Talks - we're ruffling WLs!

Wanna get Movers WL? Ofc you do! So let's MOVE to the contest: 

What should you do: 

Follow Twitter 

Follow Discord 

Flill out the form 

What will you get: 

10 winners will get 1 wl. 1 winner = 1 WL. 

Deadline: 12 UTC Today 


SEE YOU LATER!            

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And download the Moni app :)                                                                                   


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