Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #415, 21 October 2022

Gem City meets Moni NFT!

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 💪

Today Gem City DAO announced Moni NFT Day. Remember that the Moni team created its NFTs long before the Great Mass Adoption came. These NFTs helped to form the alpha community, which played a crucial role in Mass Adoption formation. 

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in! 



– Check Across airdrop 



- Arbitrum airdrop             
– Consensys sign up to follow next NFT drops
– DayLight form
– Catalog form 
ZkSync airdrop

That’s right! The Moni NFT Collection is coming. Be Sure, not a usual one…

Dear Gem Hunter, finally, it’s time to tell you more about the magic our Moni Wizards were crafting all this time in our kingdom. We launch the NFT Collection! Moni Wizards NFT. Why

– Moni Wizards NFT will give you access to our community of alpha hunters, smart traders, investors, and builders. We share investment ideas, whitelists and crypto stuff with each other. We found Moon Birds, Goblin Town, Digi daigaku early. Btw, Aptos testnets? Huh, we were discussing them all past summer. 

– NFT will give you access to Moni Alpha Reports, Moni Twitter Bot and an upcoming project - Moni Discover. A platform that will help you in your alpha hunting. Just in two clicks! 

– Anyway, you will be able to gain your network by meeting crypto influencers as well as building your web3 identity. You know how it's essential in crypto, yes? 

Wanna take a look? Join our Moni Discord Server - click

And yes, we'll pick only the best to create a fantastic community. So fill out the form and look forward to our reply - click 

Mint date and so on: TBA



Aptos NFT: Need to Mint (airdrop hunting!)

As they say, we have to mint everythings we can. Wisdom…So now let’s move to NFT projects on Aptos we can get WL from. Let’s go! 

Aptos Koalas Army - Like & RT, comment 

Aptos Monkey - Like & RT, tag 3 frens

Aptos Wizards - follow @CryptoWeb_CW,  @AptosWizards, Like & RT, tag 3 frens, fill out the form

Bruh Bears -  Like & RT, follow and leave “bruh” in replies

Rekt Dogs - Like & RT, tag 3 frens follow @rektdogs, @nft_souffl3 

Spooks - generate spook via this link and share in in replies 


Movers: Alphas on Aptos

What if we'd mix movers, NFT, alpha, and Aptos and roll out the NFT collection? Yes, this project would be! 

Movers is an NFT project on Aptos about strong men who ain't afraid of physical activities. Btw, this project was created by Ame, an Aptos Labs member. His community is based on Alpha Aptos hunting. Usually, they give OG roles and WL away. 

That’s why we suggest you follow Movers and try to get WL: 

WL quests




Moni Twitter Bot found this project. Subscribe and get your 100x gem - @moni_twitter_bot


Projects that raised dough

Not Aptos and BLUR will make our hearts happier and our wallets fatter, huh? Let's DYOR and find some new gems to get rich today or later.

All eyes on infographic! 

Delisium - Web3 ААА game is available to play

Shardeum - L1 blockchain on the EVM base

ChainSafe - this one specializes in protocols building and cross-chain interaction 


SEE YOU LATER!            

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And download the Moni app :)                                                                                   


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