Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #410, 14 October 2022

Gem City Chases Bears Away from private plots

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 🔔

Today the Gem City DAO released some big news! The bears are so freaked out that they've started climbing onto the Gem Hunters' private plots and stealing Gems. The Gem Police have opened 101 criminal investigations into the theft of Gems. And we urge residents of Gem City to be as careful as possible! Don't let bears on your property!

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in! 



AnotherBlock ruffle   

SoulBonds ruffle

– Check Across airdrop 



- Arbitrum airdrop            


F@ck bear market! 

Pst! Do you hear that?... These loud and nasty sounds?... Eh, who is that? Bears are screaming bout how life is challenging without x’s? Ok. Btw, you don’t need to join them. Why?

There is a company called Alchemy. Well, it's a platform for devs. And so - yesterday, guys released a report, which should be called not "Web3 Developer Report (Q3 2022)" but "Everything will be fine with crypto". Here are the main theses from there: 

- About 36% of the total number of smart contracts deployed is in 2022 

- Smart contract deployments are up 14% since Ethereum moved to PoS

- The total number of smart contract deployments increased by 40%

- Developers are more willing to download Ethers.js and Web3.js libraries to create projects. Three times more eager than in 2021. Total: over 1.5 million downloads per week

Long story short, nobody cares about bears but they build


Eternal Station is a play-to-earn breakout?

Smart move! For a long time we were crying on how play-to-earn models are bad and now...now let's speak about play-to-earn game. Why? 

Cause Eternal Station looks like an usual toy if you read the description. Yes, it's a web3 action game, but! If you'll go deeper into the Notion page, you can't stop reading it. Guys promise you connect NFT and DeFi via their game rolling out the abilities to interact with DeFi protocol right in the game. Also, you'll be able to use your own avatar as your web3 identity. Discord will be launched this year, the game will meet our phones q2 2023. 

So for now you can DYOR it via the link

To get more cool projects you can subscribe to our report


Aptos again! airdrop from Mojito and CROWD9 form

The lead of such posts is always the same... Users leave Aptos everyday and nobody knows why. Maybe they are getting tired of waiting, maybe something else makes them do it. Btw, we should never give up! Cause we did so much... 

1. Airdrop from Mojito 

Download Martian Wallet or  Pontem Wallet if you don't have any 

Fill out the form -> visit the platform -> get Airdrop tokens (the green button above) -> bet 1000 USDC on any of moments -> go to discord and share your thought on the platform

2. Fill out the CROWD9 form 

You should DYOR CROWD9 and if you'll love it just fill our this form


SEE YOU LATER!            

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