Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #375, 26 August 2022

Gem City awards the media!

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 👾

Today, Gem City DAO decided to award all of the city's best cryptocurrency media. The DAO will be giving away 100,000 gems to each media because these are the best media.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to make the media be the media! And remember...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!



Symbiosis testnet      



- The Portfolios' Battle 


Spectral: DeFi through and through!

This project deals with credit risk assessment and builds an entire infrastructure. What is it, why is it needed, and who's already invested the money? Let's know more! 

Spectral has created the equivalent of a traditional FICO score, the Multi-Asset Credit Risk Oracle (MACRO). The decentralized credit rating will allow web3 adepts to use an alternative and fairer risk infrastructure. The fresh capital will be used to build their credit scoring network and scale it over time. 

Spectral's long-term vision is to make credit scoring publicly available. Enough people have believed in this concept of theirs because these guys have already raised $30,000,000. The investment was led by 

General Catalyst and Social Capital. Samsung, Gradient Ventures, Section 32, Franklin Templeton, Circle Ventures, and Jump Capital also chipped in.

DYOR? Grab the link! 


Atomic: Give liquidity get NFT

Atomic.green continues to ramp up the momentum. Let's see what the guys have prepared for this time, huh? 

The only prerequisite for participation is to provide liquidity to any of the pools:



Start: August 22, 2022 16:00 UTC

Deadline: August 29, 2022 16:00 UTC

Link: https://app.atomic.green/dashboard

Deposits are not limited to a minimum or maximum amount. And the deposit must remain in the pool until the deadline. If you do it right, get NFT. I wonder what the utility of this NFT will be :) You can ask questions or get more information in discord - click


Mining NEAR: Moves that are close by

For a change today, let's go through the activities on NEAR. So we've got a few for you, and you might get lucky. 

–  The Multichain test run requires you to use the Multichain platform. Participants will receive a month of free transactions in Multichain (by transferring assets to NEAR), a specially developed NFT for this event and an airdrop from the prize pool. Here is the link to the guide

– Complete the tasks from Meta Pool. The prize pool is $3800 in stNEAR tokens. Requires you to fill out a form and complete tasks. Details are on the link.


SEE YOU LATER!                        

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And download the Moni app :)                                                                                     


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