Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #369, 18 August 2022

Gem City rally

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 👾

Today, the Gem City DAO is putting together a rally. Yes, you know who this rally is for and what it's for. All the info is below. See ya!

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to make decentralization and open-souce live on! And remember...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!



Symbiosis testnet     





Hands off Alex Pertsev!

For most people, Pertsev's arrest went by the wayside. "Oh yes, I've heard about him; he's a Tornado Case dev...I know Tornado was involved in the money-laundering cases, so what?" - such a mindset is bullshit. And now we'll tell you why. 

- Alexey Pertsev has been accused of developing the open-source code used in Tornado Cash. 

- It's full of shit. Because the developer is not responsible for how his code is used. We have tons of examples where open-source has kickstarted cool projects: Linux, Firefox, VLC Media Player, and many others. 

- If it goes further, we can forget about open-source forever. And in simple words, it will slow down much of the development of the crypto and IT sector. 

But what can I do? 

- Share this post with all your friends, enemies, cats, and acquaintances

- Sign the petition for Alexey's release - click

 - Help via gitcoin - click

- Join the TG chat dedicated to Alexey's release - click

- If you are in Amsterdam, you can go to the rally on Saturday at 16:00 local time - click

p.s. Buterin joins us and posted a link to the petition on Twitter   



New Portfolios' Battle with Aurora! Will you participate?

Gem City! It's been a while since we've had a Battle of the Portfolios in our glorious city! And today...today, in cooperation with Aurora, we're happy to announce the start of a new Portfolios' Battle. 

The timing of the Battle: 

Beginning: right now! 

End of registration: August 24, 14:00 UTC

End of Battle: August 31, 14:00 UTC

Prize pool: $1500. Prizes will be given to the first and last places and the best portfolio descriptions. And also to three random participants. Let's see, what kind of investor are you? :) 

- Check the text guide to the Battle here 

See you, Gem Hunter.  


Scroll: Scroll with scaling

ETH has been scaled, scaled, and unscaled. Perhaps our project today will prove to be the train that can. Get out your reserchecoop, it's going to be a mess.

So Scroll is the ZK rollup equivalent of EVM, introduced in early 2021 as part of the dynamic Ethereum ecosystem. Figuring that scalability in alternatives to Ethereum L1 chips is expensive, just like in sidechains, the guys were inspired by the magic of ZKP and decided to offer the best solution for blockchain users and developers - minimal trust assumptions, fast completeness and smooth migration from the base layer.

The project's three main principles are:

- Empowering humanity - starting with blockchain developers and users.

- The project is built openly and collaboratively with the community.

- Fight for decentralization and resistance to censorship

What can be done right now? Right now, you can sign up for a pre-alpha testnet and make DYOR here.


Vitalik knows better

Press: Europe wants taxes. Instagram wants jpegs. Interesting NFT collections. Digest is an aesthete! 

Read this digest on the website, or right in the Moni App!   


SEE YOU LATER!                  

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And download the Moni app :)                                                                                    


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