Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #344, 14 July 2022

Gem City launches NFT-marketplace competition

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 👾

The NFT marketplace hackathon starts today at Gem City. The three winners of the hackathon will each receive 1000 Gem. The condition is to make an NFT marketplace with only gem collections and 0 scams and exploits.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to make the NFT markets great! And remember...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!



Symbiosis Testnet



1) https://rift.finance/

2) https://teletype.in/@cryptocholy/research.sequoia   

3) https://koii.network/


Earnmos won't make you think

DeFi is simplifying, really. Earnmos is the kind of project that acts as a yield optimiser, and it's built on Evmos. The project's motto is 'Don't make me think', well investors get the profits in the Cosmos Interchain ecosystem. What about perks:

- Reduces the entry threshold for EVM users. That is, it will be easier for EVM users to enter Evmos and Cosmos Interchain 

- Ease of use. Again, the developers assure that the project is easy to use 

- Multichain. That is, the project creates a single ecosystem for all... all-in-one

- Community Driven. That is, the guys are leaning on the community so that everyone could contribute something to the product.

And for whom? For farmers who farm on other blockchains but want to make money on Cosmos. 

DYOR? On the link here


Metaverses are on PROM

Gem City, we were telling you about Prom. Basically, the guys want to make a single platform for play-to-earn and metaverses, and rightly so - because the fragmentation of projects on the last bull run was terrifying. 

Now the guys have released their own mini-manifesto about the products which are waiting for us: 

- Prom.Marketplace

The problem with marketplaces is that they were originally created for collectors. But we are gamers! There will be NFT from games and metaverses for sale and purchase on the Prom Marketplace, and, of course, you will be able to trade various NFT games at multiple marketplaces. All-in-one. 

- Prom.Rental

Here you can rent or lease your NFT without any risk: you pay the fee, take the NFT and use it for the project you are interested in. 

- Prom.Mortgage

Have you seen the prices of land in OtherSide? It's huge! Now you can take the land as a mortgage and pay it off. No, they won't. Don't worry about it :) 

- Prom.Education

This platform will give you valuable knowledge, and the teachers will be pro-gamers from the world of play-to-earn. How to find the most profitable games? What do they need to do to make a profit? 

Looks good, doesn't it? We advise you to subscribe to the guys' channel and wait for updates - click click click click


Coinbase, get the f@ck out of our NFT

Let's cut to the chase. GameStop, whose history could be the subject of an entire movie, announced the launch of their NFT marketplace the other day, which is focused on NFT gaming. 

Coinbase launched the NFT marketplace back in May this year.   

What we have here is:   

- Coinbase's NFT marketplace has been running for 2 months   

- GameStop's NFT marketplace has been running for 2 days 

So? Let's take a look at the volume for the entire time of operation: 

- GameStop NFT trading volume is plus or minus 3,167 ETH.

- Coinbase NFT has a trading volume of 1,709 ETH.

Twitter is hilarious at Coinbase and speculates that CB's trouble was that they put the old-fashioned emphasis on marketing and Influencers rather than the community like GameStop NFT did. And yes, Armstrong's NFT project may not be considered his best brainchild. 

Why is that? Well, keep an eye on the platform from GameStop - click 



⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And download the Moni app :)                                                                                


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