Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #194, 23 November 2021

Gem City invests in Metaverse

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 👾

Today, Gem City DAO has decided to invest 90% of the city's portfolio in a new Metaverse. So far, we do not have a name, team, or investment terms, but DAO representatives are convinced that the project will yield a million x's. Let us remind you, Gem City DAO does not invest in projects that do not yield at least half a million X.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to you raise a million x's as a Gem City DAO! And remember...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!


The world will be destroyed if you miss them

Colony token sale



1️⃣ Masa investor interest

2️⃣ Beta waitlist


Baby Dance? BabylonSwap!

Digest enjoys DYOR, and you? 

Yesterday Bob Marley smoked some Tabaca w/ us and started talking about some crypto stuff. We found out that Bob is also a fan of Web3, and he's going to ape in Babylon soon. And that's what he told us. Les Goh!

A quick recap from Bob Marley: As usual, there's a treasure where you put your hard-earned money (bond) and get $BBY. And then, you use your assets to support the price of $BBY. But in addition to the usual mechanics, Babylon has more tricks. 

TrIck #1

Unused assets are used for liquidity on Babylon's DEXSwap (what did you say?)

TrIck #2

BabylonSwap is a full-fledged DEX where you can exchange tokens and throw in liquidity, all in one place. The buzz? High!

Also, our Gem Hunter informed us: 

"it's the second OHM fork on Solana, so there might be a bubblejet, but it's not certain."

DYOR on Twitter

And we continue! 


AMA with Realis + prize!

The Realis guys will come to us on November 24, 13:00 UTC. Check the review.

Also, the best question will get $100 in USDT! 

Ask the question and get crypto! 

AMA will be hereeee


Let's win this fcking Battle!

Guys, as you know, our Portfolios' Battle will start November 24. Only 2 days to go. So we made a video guide for you to explain you:

– What is Portfolios' Battle? 

– How can you take part? 

– What prizes can you get? 

Watch the video and join! 


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff