Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #183, 08 November 2021

Degen Stuff: Gem City will not impose taxes. Edition №183

With SpacemindShare

👾 Hey Moni Maker

Today, the Gem City DAO spoke out strongly against the introduction of a new tax on Gems. Citizens believe that taxes are a thing of the past, especially after the transition to the Gem-Donation system. That's why your Gems can sleep well - no one will ever take them away.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to your Gems will always be tax-free! And remember…

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ Nyan Heroes public Sale - 17:00 UTC.

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ Moonbeam crowdloan registration. Start at Nov 11.

Shell - is the first Polkadot's parachain!


“Referendum 41 has passed registering the Shell parachain on Polkadot, to ensure block production, inclusion, and finalization. The Shell parachain has extremely limited functionality: it does not even have the notion of accounts.”

Now then the first parachain has been launched, the next step in to becoming multi-chain is upgrade Shell to Statemint. It will be issued once the parachain functions for 24 hours without any issues.

Li.Finance is unstoppable

devs are welcome

Remember we told you about Li.Finance? The project, which is able to turn the game of bridges. If you haven't seen or read it, here is the video and here is the article.

Li.Finance continues its development. They recently wrote in their tweet that if you're a Dapp developer, go ahead and fill out the form.

But that's not all. Xpollinate has added Ethereum. So we advise you to make friends with these projects. BTW, Li.Finance is still in beta testing.

What we should buy?


And we, as a team, still hope to become rich, investing 100 bucks every week. Without you investing goes badly, because we can not figure out what to buy :(

Drop by the chat room and write your smart ideas!


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff