Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #181, 04 November 2021

Degen Stuff: There's a lot of content in Gem City! Edition №181

With SpacemindShare

👾 Hey Moni Maker

A lot of content from Moni Talks was brought to Gem City today. Citizens thanked the editors and said that sometimes you should take a break from the news, and content from Moni Talks is a real Gem.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to everything around you becomes a Gem! And remember...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ Aurora Public Sale.

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ Moonbeam crowdloan registration. Start at Nov 11.

Will Goldfinch show your face? Hmmm


Digest is here, yo!

Anyway, Goldfinch came up with the NFT UID, to be more precise, it's an identity/company identifier. But it's stated that the data will not be stored on the network.

They say that this is done for the benefit of DeFi's development. They say new clients, new opportunities, everyone will move from microloans to Goldfinch (https://goldfinch.finance/).

No, we're not kidding, the idea itself is super-good. But as much as it can be useful, it can also be detrimental to decentralization. Anyway, we're watching closely.

And we continue!

HAPEBEAST, what is love...metal love!

Mama im in love with a HAPEBEAST

We didn't graduate in math, of course. But look at this formula:

- We told about the HAPEBEAST project

- Our follower Sergey made an NFT...WITH IRON.

F@cking Iron Man would've melted down his suit and repeated it :)

Let's give Sergey some respect!

I look at the market and remember my youth! | Edition №17


Meet this new Edition of the farming Digest! Yield Duck didn’t yell at us, a little bit.It’s time to check his words on the market!

Press: ETH is so strong! BSC strikes back? DOMO and Solana...Where you can use your stablecoins? Digest uses!


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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