Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #163, 11 October 2021

Degen Stuff: Gem Expedition. Edition №163

With SpacemindShare

👾 Hey Moni Maker

The Gem City citizens decided to go on a Gem Expedition. Yes, Gem City lives in an abundance of Gems, but sometimes the residents lack deep emotions when catching the first Gems. The expedition is scheduled for tonight, with the goal being the Gem Cave off the coast of Gem City.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to always get high from the Gems! Because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ wooshi.world 00:30 UTC.

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ DC FanDome Registration. The translation will come on Oct 16, 17:00 UTC;

2️⃣ BCM Hunt Whitelising. IDO will start Oct 12.

Let's test Tempus?

Testnet, testweb

Digest loves testnets. Sometimes he gets tokens there. And you?

Tempus wants us checked its testnet.

"Our main goal with this testnet release is to get feedback from the community, and further test the UI/UX to make sure that everyone can intuitively interact with the protocol."

You will find some more here. Dive into the chat to get help, bro.

And we continue!

Are you a cool trader?!

A2DAO will check it

Rise and shine, Mr. trader! Rise and … shine. Not that I wish … to imply that you have been sleeping on … the competition.

Even G-Man wants to provide $ATD trading volume on Uniswap and Pancakeswap.

After all, A2DAO with DEXE are willing to give as much as $150k for it!

You just need to trade DEXE tokens or the ones available here. There are 20 tokens there, enough for everyone.

But first, get registered, Mr. Trader.

The contest will end on October 29th at 13:00 UTC.

Yearn Finance gets pills


A pillar of the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, Yearn began as an automated yield aggregator, offering users the highest yields for their assets across Ethereum. Before today’s announcement, these services were exclusive to Ethereum. Now, they’re being rolled out on Fantom Network.

Only after users have switched their network from Ethereum to Fantom on the Web 3 wallet can they interact with the first four Fantom-based Vaults on Yearn: USD Coin, Fantom, DAI, and stablecoin Magic Internet Money.

The yield at press time is unknown, but users have already begun piling into the Vaults, with the Fantom Vault currently managing more than $51 million.

DeFi. Protect your ass and crypto?


We will tell you how to do that in this Medium post. Everything is simple! You read it, like it and share it. We give you more cool content, ok?

The volume of locked funds in DeFi has reached an all-time high


The TVL of all DeFi projects has reached 200 billion. Nearly half of that volume has been added since July. We are growing!


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff