Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #139, 06 September 2021

Degen Stuff: My name is Gem. Edition №139

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker

Today, Gem City DAO proposed Geminize every citizen and rename everyone to Gem. So citizens will get names Gem1, Gem2, Gem3 and so on. For now, the most of voting are against this proposal.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter and you will save your name! Because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ UwuCrew NFT;

2️⃣ Binance NFT Drop.

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ REALM IDO on PolkaStarter WL - up to 07.09

Mask is for NFT avatars!

No JPEGS, only NFTs!

Does Digest love jpegs? Yes! But he loves NFTs more...

Mask Network (Mask.io) is going to turn your NFTs into your Twitter Avatars. We can't really get, what we are going to do...let's see?

And we continue!

DROPS wanna educate you!

And you should let it do it

Drops DAO is the project living betweet DeFi and NFT worlds. So..all these financial NFTs...sounds hard? No way!

DROPS collected some links to explain to you what financial NFTs are and how they will change this world.

Check more on Coinpedia, Cryptodaily and BTCManager.

Sunday is good for a such reading, but Monday is great too!

Predict and win some $!

Are you ready?

Lol! So easy! Prosper makes a giveaway. Prediction one, ha!

All you have to do is to post a tweet with #PredictOnProsper hashtag and make your prediction on anything! To participate:

- Predict a minimum of 5 $USDC on their BTC prediction pools on https://platform.prosper.so

- At confirmation, share your pool participation on Twitter

- Tag friends to invite them to the giveaway

If you still didn't use Prosper, this guide will help you! Enjoy!

Gimme Tha Loot

WOW, Aion and others? No! NFT!

DYOR. Go here and know some more about loot.

Stake and Shake? $BGLD!

Earn $POW

Ha! Beanie are you welcome.

What can we say here? DYOR! Only DYOR!

HODL to become an APE

Wanna do it?

Tomorrow SUPER BUNNIES will giveaway one Ape among their hodlers. Bunnies remind us that the floor is low.

As always! Take your time. DYOR and so on.


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


Join 25,000+ crypto founders, speculators and researchers.

Another Stuff