Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #131, 25 August 2021

Degen Stuff: $SOL Goodman. Edition №131

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker

Today, Gem City Cinema will show Breaking Bad NFT Edition. Let us remind you that after Mass Adoption, famous directors remade their movies with NFT replaced actors.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to see $SOL Goodman in action! We will show it to you, because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ Iron Stable release;

2️⃣ BabyBattle Bots;

3️⃣ West Coast Customs NFT;

4️⃣ HogGangNFT.

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ Unvest IDO on Cardstarter Registration begins August 24th @3PM UTC;

2️⃣ CoinsPAD WL - up to 31.08;

3️⃣ DFIStarter WL - up to 27.08;

4️⃣ Alice PreTest registration.

Predictions are real!

Wanna check?

Digest, come in!

Prosper released an interesting post about crypto networking.

First of all. Who are Prosper's partners? They are Chainlink, Ankr, 3Commas, Tenzor, Matic/Polygon, Avalanche, Bonded.Finance, Union, Clover, Tron, Hapi, Moar, Stratos, Arche and more.

"Connections and supports are also a very good way to establish a good credibility for potential new corporate and retail investors, future partners, and future users of our prediction platforms." (c). As Moni Talks, we can prove this statement! Friendship is important.

Don't forget to dive into the Prosper chat and ask them anything you want.

And we continue!

Star Atlas Let's Play

let's play?

Ok, get the dat. September 1. Star Atlas will be launching on AcceleRaytor.

We'll just copy the important info for you, ok?

Model: Lottery for allocation

Allocation for winning ticket: 69 USDC (50,000 ATLAS) or 69 USDC (500 POLIS) respectively. Winning tickets will be determined separately for each of the two pools.Total number of winning tickets: 3,600 winning ATLAS tickets and 3,600 winning POLIS ticketsPools open: September 1, 12:00 UTCPools close: September 2, 00:00 UTC

7-day deadline:Eligibility: At least 100 RAY staked in RAY single-sided staking prior to the 7-day staking deadline below and successful USDC deposit once the pool opens. RAY must remain staked until the pool opens.Lottery tickets: 1 ticket for every 100 RAY staked — up to a maximum of 5 tickets. Staking more than 500 RAY will still receive 5 tickets maximum.7-day staking deadline:August 25, 12:00 UTCNOTE: Users will receive tickets for BOTH pools according to RAY staking requirements above. However, each pool must be deposited in separately, and winning tickets will be chosen separately for each pool.

And here you will be able to find the Medium post!

Grant for U maybe?

Grant Theft NFT

A2DAO. $1,000,000 grant. For NFT-gaming projects.

"We're sure this is just the beginning, and pleased to announce a $1,000,000 grant program for NFT-gaming projects!These funds will be used to fund promising companies and teams of blockchain game developers with the possibility of further incubation and IDO." (c) Hm...

The first project is coming. You can find more info here, but let's wait?



Liquidifty is in Top-3 NFT Marketplaces on the BinanceSmartChain

Also, now Liquidifty partners with NFTb. Cool place for you, artist?

Don't forget, that you can create your own NFT stores on BSC. Savvy?

Claim your free IDO seat!

bo bo bo

MoonieNFT let you to claim your free IDO seat! But you should have some Moonie first :)

To sit in an IDO Rocket you need to have your own Moonie! Purchase or claim a Moonchest to get one for free! (c)

Press some buttons. Project is coming soon.

Drop me your soul!

HODl it

Ok, not soul, but $SOL.

Look, here are the projects that could potentially give drops in the near future.

Which one will give?


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff